How was my First month of 2024?


4 min read


In this blog, I am going to reflect on the journey I have embarked on in the first month of 2024.

How's it going?

Am I following my resolutions?

What have I learned in the first month of 2024?

I will answer all of the above questions in this blog.

My Resolutions for 2024

white printer paper on brown wooden table

    1. Learn backend development.

      1. Begin a career in Backend/Full Stack Development.

      2. Prioritize Physical Fitness.

      3. Move on from a challenging incident that occurred in 2023.

      4. Explore new fields or acquire new skills such as video editing, content creation, and writing, among others.

Most of these resolutions are a continuation of my goals from 2023.


I had to let go of some friends, but I also made some really good ones.

I've learned that some people come into our lives for a short period just to teach us a lesson or help us understand ourselves better.

I plan to continue making new friends.

I enjoy chatting with strangers as if I've known them for ages. While it doesn't always work, and I might encounter attitude, arrogance, or disgusted faces, that's a part of it. Most of the time, people forget about it after 10 minutes (99% of the time, unless I've done something truly bizarre).


shallow focus photography of man in suit jacket's back

I worked at a company in 2023 as a Frontend Developer, completing a 3-month internship. Since then, I've been eager to explore backend development.

As part of my resolutions for 2024, I aimed to learn Backend Development and secure an internship in either Backend or Full Stack role.

In the first month of 2024, I've made significant progress in my Backend-focused learning. I've completed several courses and have now started building projects to solidify my knowledge of Full Stack Web Development.

I strongly believe that building projects is essential when learning any language or framework. It not only provides hands-on experience but also boosts confidence and serves as tangible proof of your skills.

Bonus tip: You can create a portfolio showcasing your proof of work for free on


I have some fitness-related goals for 2024, continuing from those set in 2023.

I followed my fitness regime for the first half of January, but I haven't been consistent in the last few days.

Nonetheless, I am committed to doing the bare minimum and plan to gradually increase my efforts.

Exploring New Fields

I wanted to explore various fields such as marketing, writing, mobile development, game development, etc.

This month, I took a shot at writing, thanks to the #fuelerwritingchallenge. I've found joy in the process, and I'm excited to see what the future holds for me in this endeavor.


  • Made decent progress in Backend Development ๐Ÿ’ป

  • Started exploring a new field, Writing โœ

  • Got some good and understanding friends.

Some "Not so good" Things

  • I still sleep late most nights. My sleep cycle is improving, but it requires some more time.

  • I don't have a morning and night regime. I think these are very important for me to give my day a kickstart and fix my sleep cycle.

  • I don't plan my next day. I do have tasks that I need to do the next day, but they are not clearly defined, like how much I need to do or how many hours I need to put in, etc.

Plan for Next Month

Colorful paper notes with words "To do", "In progress" and "Done" pinned on cork board

I didn't really think about it until now. Thanks to this blog, I am thinking about this.

In the next month, I want to focus on:

  • Building good full-stack projects

  • Adopting healthy eating habits

  • Fitness a little more

  • Self-care/love

  • Developing a habit that requires me to go outside once a day โ˜€

  • Establishing a morning and night routine


person holding white printer paper

To sum it up - There have been ups and downs ๐Ÿ“ˆ

And I am grateful for both as they both give us something good at the end.

There have been low days in this month, and there will be low days in the next month too. So, my focus will be to stay strong through tough times and let discipline and drive take charge when motivation fades away or laziness comes up.

If your first month has not been as you planned or as great as you wanted,


Every day is a new day and a new morning to give life another chance, to do the work that needs to be done.

Good luck to me and all my readers ๐Ÿคž

Have a lovely, productive, and full of growth February.

๐Ÿฅ‚ "to new beginnings"
